R5sdhc is a new team claiming to have another working 3DS flashcart to run 3ds title games through microsd cards, as demonstrated in their official website videos, y0u can run 3ds backups even on the most recent 9.2.0 system n3ds console. http://www.r4is.com/r5sdhcnew-3ds-flashcard-for-any-3ds-consoles-p-17.html is one of the most reliable site to buy r4, supercard dstwo, gateway 3ds, sky3ds, r5sdhc 3ds as well as many other 3ds cards.
And today, r5sdhc team updated the news about 10 games slot limited and micro SD card erasing and re-programming features. As we know, r5sdhc only allow users to put 10 games into microsd card at most, no matter how many microsd cards, 1 x Micro SD or 2 x Micro SD or…10 x Micro SD but you can put 10 games totally. R5sdhc 3ds card does record the game titles one by one to its inside memory up to max 10 titles. In other words,if you have 3 microsd card, you can put 10 games in one micro sd card, and r5 gets these 10 game titiles to the 10 memory slot of R5, you cannot play other games except these 10 games, you can also put 10 games in 3 micro sd cards, and r5 sdhc card records the 3 game titles to the memory slot when you put the first card to it, and records the rest game titles when you put the second or the third microsd cards. In a word, R5sdhc doesn’t care about which micro sd card you put it in. It just care which game you loaded in micro sd and if the game correctly suits to the R5sdhc memory slot record or not. And one R5sdhc card can only play 10 game titles in totally. You can erase micro sd program game which is already in R5sdhc game list record. However, you will lost the game save when you erase the card, so you must be carefully if you wanna erase your micro SD.
The post R5sdhc, news and Information appeared first on r4is official blog.